Our social login is back online, now supports Google too

The development of our social login system is finally complete and we just flipped the switch. It took us a while, but we hope it’s going to be worth it, as we have some big plans in store.

As of now, you can once again use your Facebook account to reserve your nickname for our opinion and comments sections. We've also added support for Google, so even if you don’t have a Facebook account, you can still get a nickname of your own.

Another important benefit of our refreshed login is that we extended the browser cookie we use, so you don’t need to click the login button every day anymore. The cookie will only expire once every three months now.

If you're still hesitant to use our anonymous login system, we've got a few reasons you should. For one, your posts won’t need to be approved by one of our moderators to be published on our site, plus you’ll get the option of editing your comments for the first ten minutes after posting them, and you will be able to rate other peoples' posts in our comments section. Also, since we don’t actually store any of your data or password, it’s perfectly safe.

In the future we also plan to use the social account login to help improve our user rating system and reduce fanboy down-voting.

If you experience any issues with the updated log-in, please report them right here along with your browser version. Happy browsing!