A few hours ago Sony took the wraps off the Xperia XZ and Xperia X Compact, its latest smartphones. And while the company itself stayed mum about any exact release dates and price levels for the duo, thankfully we have other sources for that sort of information.
First up, in the UK Amazon is already taking pre-orders for both models, in SIM-free form of course. The Xperia XZ can be yours for £599.99, while the X Compact is priced at £379. The latter will start shipping on September 28. In both cases, all of the color versions are available. Unfortunately though, the retailer doesn't list a release date for the high-end XZ.
As for elsewhere in Europe, one prominent leaker of all things Sony seems to think that the Xperia XZ will cost €699 and be in stores on October 17. The X Compact is allegedly going to be priced at €449 and launch on September 24. Since this isn't official information, do take the details with a pinch of salt for now.
Anyway, if you're interested in the Xperia XZ or the Xperia X Compact (or both), don't miss our hands-on impressions straight from Berlin.
Thanks for the tips, matt and moc!
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