Xiaomi sub-brand Redmi will introduce the new Redmi Note 10 series smartphones on May 26. The company hasn't revealed how many phones it will unveil on Wednesday, but it has been drip-feeding us with information about the new Note 10 devices since last week.
A few days ago, Redmi revealed the design of one of the Note 10 series smartphones while also confirming a few of its specs. Now the Chinese phone maker has announced that the Note 10 series will pack a 120Hz LCD, which will have a punch hole in the center for the selfie camera.
Redmi Note 10 series display specs
The resolution and peak brightness of the panel isn't officially confirmed, but Redmi says it can get as dim as 1 nit to offer a comfortable reading experience in low-light conditions.
The 120Hz screen will also have a six-speed adaptive refresh rate, which will adjust automatically depending on the app and content. The frame rate will remain between 24-60 FPS when you watch videos to conserve power, and switch to 50-120 FPS when browsing and playing games for a smooth experience.
Other features confirmed by Redmi include "flagship-level" VC liquid cooling, NFC 3.0, Bluetooth 5.2, and an X-axis linear motor.
VC liquid cooling • X-axis linear motor
Redmi hasn't explicitly mentioned the name of the smartphone that will come with these specs, but with the event just two days away, there's not much waiting to know all about the new Note 10 lineup.
Source (in Chinese)