Xiaomi officially confirmed the rumors of an upcoming Redmi S2 phone on its Weibo page. On the social media network, the company released an image, revealing a pink phone in the hands of the Chinese actor Turbo Liu. The device will be introduced on May 10 in the city of Nanjing, China.
The Redmi S series is expected to be a bit cheaper than the already affordable Redmi phones, given the fact that the S2 will come with Snapdragon 625, while the similar-looking Redmi Note 5 Pro has a Snapdragon 636.
The phone is advertised as a selfie device, with previous rumors suggesting a 16 MP snapper. Other specs include dual camera on the back, 5.99” tall display with HD resolution and 3/32 GB combo.
The price is expected to be in the ballpark of $175, exclusively on Suning. Once the phone is announced next week, we will have more details on specs, colors, and availability.
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