Less than a month after it was spotted listed on T-Mobile's website, the LG G Pad X2 8.0 Plus tablet has been launched. A quick look at T-Mobile's listing for the device reveals it's being offered for $240.
The tablet is powered by an SoC with octa-core, 1.4GHz processor, and sports an 8-inch Full HD display. While RAM is unknown, storage is 32GB. The camera department is handled by a 5MP main shooter and a 5MP selfie unit. The device runs Android 7.0 Nougat out of the box.
A 2,900mAh battery is there to keep the lights on. The G Pad X2 8.0 Plus also comes with a Plus Pack expandable memory box that when attached to the tablet increases the total battery capacity to around 6,300mAh.
The Plus Pack also features a stereo speaker and a USB port.
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